Results you MAY experience: Squeeze about 10 drops of CMD into 500/600 ml water (the water can be cold or room temperature). Take a gulp. You will feel an immediate surge of energy. If you have cramps during workouts, a gulp may instantly stop the cramp.

Are You Sick and Tired of being Sick and Tired all the time?

During our early 20s till 60s, we focus on building our career and families. We can't afford to fall sick and we shouldn't. We need the strength to overcome what life throws at us and the extra energy boost, without cramps during our workouts. CMD is your booster!

Minerals make up 5% of your body's composition, as compared to vitamins which make up 1%. Vitamins cannot be absorbed by your body without the presence of minerals. Your body cannot produce its own minerals, thus the need for mineral supplementation to restore your mineral levels. Without minerals, you get sick. CMD is liquid and ionic, making your mineral restoration quick and complete.

With the ratio of minerals and trace minerals being quite similar to the ratio of mineral content in the body of a healthy person and the product being in a liquid and ionic form, it is readily absorbed and put to work by your body.

This is what MAY happen when you start consuming CMD: You are going to the toilet! Your urine may smell but no worries, it is CMD at work. It is flushing out the toxins in your body. What happens next is you will feel more alert and more energetic. The next day, you will feel more refreshed. And this will go on and on. Your body becomes stronger in resisting viruses. You become healthier. You become fitter. And you will have the strength to go after your dreams.

And when you need the extra boost during workouts and to avoid muscle cramps, just ensure you take CMD.

Make sure you consume CMD daily (if 1 drops per 2 kg of body weight seems like too much, consume at least 30 drops each day, if you're an adult) and to drink lots of water (this is the formula for the amount of plain water, in litres, to drink daily: your bodyweight in kg x 50 / 1000). Make sure it's plain water. Coffee, tea, juices, beer don't count.

Diet: Dieting is hard work; it may deliver results in the short term, but then life gets in the way and dieting stops. We have a plan for you who sees eating as a pleasure and who definitely do not want to cut off any food groups.

What people sometimes forget in their drive to "lose weight" is what they really want to lose is not weight, but fat. Carrying excess fat is bad for your health. This diet plan achieves a gradual weight loss – and it's almost all fat, especially the fat around the gut – visceral fat, which is particularly dangerous because it increases the risk of heart disease and diabetes.

We will send you details of the diet program together with your product order.

Exercise: Which exercise is best? When to exercise? How to exercise? How to get the benefits of exercising immediately. Let us show you how. Details of the exercise program will be sent to you together with your product order.

Now is the time to act. Take control of your life. Start now, yes right now! Go to the ordering part of this website and order your product/s now. Or better still, become a Distributor and order your product/s. Do it now, and start your journey towards a healthier and happier YOU. Get fit FAST!

Minerals are Involved in Hundreds of Biochemical Reactions in Your Body

Magnesium is a mineral found in the earth, sea, plants, animals and humans.

About 60% of the magnesium in your body is found in bones, while the rest is in muscles, soft tissues and fluids, including blood (Detail).

In fact, every cell in your body contains it, and needs it to function. One of magnesium's main roles is acting as a cofactor or "helper molecule" in the biochemical reactions continuously performed by enzymes.

It is actually involved in more than 600 reactions in your body, including (Detail):

  • Energy creation: Helps convert food into energy.
  • Protein formation: Helps create new proteins from amino acids.
  • Gene maintenance: Helps create and repair DNA and RNA.
  • Muscle movements: Is part of the contraction and relaxation of muscles.
  • Nervous system regulation: Helps regulate neurotransmitters, which send messages throughout your brain and nervous system.

Unfortunately, studies suggest that about 50% of people in the US and Europe gets less than the recommended daily amount of magnesium (Detail, Detail).

BOTTOM LINE: Magnesium is a mineral that supports hundreds of chemical reactions in your body. However, many people get less than they need.

Minerals Boost Exercise Performance

Magnesium also plays a role in exercise performance.

During exercise, you may actually need 10-20% more magnesium than when you're resting, depending on the activity (Detail).

Magnesium helps move blood sugar into your muscles and dispose of lactic acid, which can build up in muscles during exercise and cause pain (Detail ).

Studies have shown that supplementing with it can boost exercise performance for athletes, the elderly and people with chronic disease (Detail, Detail,Detail)

In one study, volleyball players who took 250 mg per day experienced improvements in jumping and arm movements (Detail).

In another study, athletes who supplemented with magnesium for 4 weeks had faster running, cycling and swimming times during a triathlon. They also experienced reductions in insulin and stress hormone levels (Detail).

However, evidence is mixed. Other studies have found no benefit of magnesium supplements in athletes with low or normal levels (Detail, Detail).

BOTTOM LINE: Magnesium supplements have been shown to enhance exercise performance in several studies.

Minerals Fights Depression

Magnesium plays a critical role in brain function and mood, and low levels are linked to an increased risk of depression (Detail, Detail).

One analysis of over 8,800 people found that those under 65 years of age with the lowest intake had a 22% greater risk of depression (Detail).

Some experts believe the low magnesium content of modern food may be the cause of many cases of depression and mental illness (Detail).

However, others experts emphasize the need for more research in this area (Detail).

Nonetheless, supplementing with it may help reduce symptoms of depression, and in some cases the results can be dramatic (Detail, Detail).

In a randomized controlled trial of depressed older adults, 450 mg of magnesium improved mood as effectively as an anti-depressant drug (Detail).

BOTTOM LINE: People with depression may be deficient in magnesium. Supplementing with it can reduce symptoms of depression in some people.

Minerals Have Anti-Inflammatory Benefits

Low magnesium intake is linked to chronic inflammation, which is one of the drivers of aging, obesity and chronic disease (Detail, Detail,Detail).

In one study, children with the lowest blood magnesium levels were found to have the highest levels of the inflammatory marker CRP.

They also had higher blood sugar, insulin and triglyceride levels (Detail).

Magnesium supplements can reduce CRP and other markers of inflammation in older adults, overweight people and those with prediabetes (Detail, Detail,Detail).

In the same way, high-magnesium foods can reduce inflammation. These include fatty fish and dark chocolate.

BOTTOM LINE: Magnesium has been shown to help fight inflammation. It reduces the inflammatory marker CRP and provides several other benefits.

Minerals Can Help Prevent Migraines

Migraine headaches are painful and debilitating. Nausea, vomiting and sensitivity to light and noise often occur.

Some researchers believe that people who suffer from migraines are more likely than others to be magnesium deficient (Detail).

In fact, a few encouraging studies suggest that magnesium can prevent and even help treat migraines (Detail, Detail).

In one study, supplementing with one gram provided relief from a migraine more quickly and effectively than a common medication (Detail).

Additionally, magnesium-rich foods may help reduce migraine symptoms (Detail).

BOTTOM LINE: People who suffer from migraines may have low magnesium levels, and some studies have shown that supplementing can provide relief from migraines.

Minerals Improve PMS Symptoms

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is one of the most common disorders among women of child-bearing age.

Its symptoms include water retention, abdominal cramps, tiredness and irritability.

Interestingly, magnesium has been shown to improve mood in women with PMS, and may also reduce water retention and other symptoms (Detail, Detail).

BOTTOM LINE: Magnesium supplements have been shown to improve symptoms that occur in women with premenstrual syndrome.

Disclaimer: Information and statements regarding food/supplements have not been evaluated by the Ministry of Health Malaysia and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. You should read carefully all product packaging.