As a Revell Distributor, I agree to abide by the following:

  • I will be honest and truthful in all my activities, whether I sell Revell products or sponsor others as Distributors.
  • I will present Revell products and the Revell Marketing Plan in an accurate and truthful manner and will make no claim other than those found in current Revell literature.
  • I will strive to ensure that my customers are satisfied with Revell products and with my service. And I will respect the privacy of my customers and Distributors.
  • I will do my best to build my Revell business. I will not engage in activities that are harmful to Revell or to any other Revell Distributor and will not make negative or denigratory remarks about other people, products or organisations.
  • I will abide by all laws and ordinances, especially the Direct Sales & Anti-Pyramid Act of Malaysia 1993 that pertain to the operation of my Revell business.
  • I will uphold the Rules of Conduct and the Code of Ethics and observe total business ethics whilst conducting my business, observing not only the letter but also the spirit of these rules.

Please click Rules & Regulations for detail